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Teaching complete beginners the fundamental principles of training and nutrition.


In person coaching from Greystones. This is the gold standard of training and coaching because I can teach you the basics along with measuring your intensity and technique.


Nutrition information can be extremely conflicting and makes decisions difficult to decipher. You don’t need extreme measures to reach your goals.


Though, admittedly not quite as good as in-person training, if you’ve got the motivation and some basic knowledge of training then online coaching can be less costly with outcomes just as effective.

About Colin

Originally starting out as a Graphic Designer, I switched to health and nutrition over a decade ago which started as a passion project to educate myself. Once I started training a few people in my spare time it took off from there. Learning from some of the best coaches in the industry and completing courses in Nutrition along the way. I coach clients in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and 60’s.

My Approach

I make your health a priority. I don’t encourage or advise anything that doesn’t take steps to improving your health, both physical and mental. I don’t advocate for either extreme training measures or fad diets. Neither are necessary to get in shape and both carry inherent risk.

My Process

I take a pretty laid back approach to getting you results. The vast majority of people I work with have lives beyond the gym. I reverse engineer your end goal and help educate you in what’s involved in achieving them. We’ll sit down and take an honest look at your current situation and then devise a plan and timescale to get you where you’d like to be.

How I work

Generally I work in blocks of sessions, either 30 or 50mins depending on your budget and schedule. I generally don’t work in single sessions anymore as it’s extremely limiting for both you as a client and myself as a coach. Even after 5 X 30minute sessions you should have a good idea of the fundamentals to continue moving forward.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to have gym experience?

Not at all, in fact sometimes it’s preferable. It means we can start from the beginning in terms of training with no bad habits. Gyms are intimidating places but a good trainer should help you build your confidence in stepping inside.

aren't gyms just for twenty-somethings?

Again this is a myth, everyone can (and should) partake in some form of resistance training. The benefits are huge, and indeed most worldwide health agencies recommend 2-3 strength training sessions per week.

ISn't personal training expensive?

Again this is a myth, of course this all depends on your perception. Investing in your overall health is never a bad move though. A good return on improving your physical fitness has a very strong overlap on other aspects of your life – Better energy levels, improved strength, improved endurance, better sleep, better blood sugar control, less bodyfat, the list goes on and on.

I'm extremely busy and don't have time?

This is pretty common. A lot of my clients have extremely busy lives but have realised the benefits of adding as little as 20mins exercise per day into their lifestyles. I will try to fit around your work schedule if I have availability as best as I can.

Get Started.

There are no stupid questions when it comes to health and fitness so please drop me a line with any questions or queries or enquires.

Email Address

Call Me

(086) 226-9670

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Stepaside and Greystones